Nutramigen vs. Alimentum Formula Reviews

Alimentum vs. Nutramigen Formula Reviews

When it comes to feeding your baby, you want to ensure it gets the best start to be healthy and happy. When your baby has colic, acid reflux, or lactose allergies, it can be hard to know the best way to ensure that his or her formula has all the vitamins and nutrients needed without being too hard on the digestive system.

Two well-known formulas for babies with colic, allergies, or acid reflux are Similac Alimentum vs. Enfamil Nutramigen. Since these products seem similar, how can you decide which is best? This article examines the two formulas carefully, including their benefits and drawbacks, to help you decide which formula is best for your baby.

Product Comparison

To determine which product is best for your baby, it’s necessary to compare Similac Alimentum and Enfamil Nutramigen. The products are similar but have notable differences that can impact your decision. Examining these two products side-by-side can highlight their benefits and drawbacks for the baby’s nutritional needs. This section explains the products, highlights their pros and cons, and outlines key features of the formulas.

Similac Alimentum

Product Overview

Similac Alimentum is a baby formula designed to be hypoallergenic, which can be used for babies with colic, acid reflux, gas, and allergies. The pre-digested formula is easier on babies’ digestive systems because the proteins are already broken down. The formula is available in powdered form and ready-to-feed formula. This formula is widely available where formulas are sold.


  • Formula is pre-digested to reduce gas and spitting up after feeding
  • Similac is a well-known brand often recommended by pediatricians
  • Formula improves baby’s digestion in approximately 48 hours
  • Formula is available in both powdered and ready-to-feed formula


  • Formula is pre-digested, which can make it taste bad to babies who are used to breastmilk or traditional formulas.
  • Alimentum is expensive to use for regular feedings
  • Formula is not designed to be used in place of all other nutritional sources
  • If breastfeeding, the baby may have difficulty switching between breastmilk and formula

Who is this product for?

This product is designed to be used by families who have babies with sensitive digestive systems, colic, acid reflux, gas, or allergies, such as lactose intolerance. The product is not designed to replace all other formulas or breastmilk completely. It is intended to be a supplement to other feedings. This suggests the formula does not include all the vitamins and nutrients needed to nourish an infant.

Key Features and Benefits

The primary benefit of Similac Alimentum is that its pre-digested formula is easier on babies’ digestive systems. When babies have colic, gas or allergies, the work done by the digestive system can lead to more problems. However, the pre-digested formula ensures that the baby gets the broken-down proteins into his or her body without putting a strain on the baby’s system.


Similac Alimentum is a good option for parents who need hypoallergenic formulas for their babies. It addresses your baby’s immediate nutritional needs and is gentle on his or her digestive system. However, getting the baby to drink the formula may be difficult, and it is not designed to be a total alternative to other feeding options.

Enfamil Nutramigen

Product Overview

Enfamil Nutramigen is a hypoallergenic formula made with iron. The formula is designed to be effective for babies with gas, colic, acid reflux, upset stomach or lactose intolerance/allergies. It is available in both powder and ready-to-feed formulas. This formula is widely available where formulas are sold.


  • Formula is dairy- and soy-free
  • Enfamil is a well-known brand recommended by many pediatricians
  • Formula provides the vitamins and nutrients needed for infant health
  • Formula improves baby’s digestion in approximately 48 hours
  • Formula is available in powder and ready-to-feed formula
  • Formula contains additional DHA to help brain development
  • Formula contains probiotics to help promote gut health


  • Formula is expensive to use for regular feedings
  • The hypoallergenic formula has a different taste, which may be unpleasant for your baby.
  • If breastfeeding, the baby may have difficulty switching between breast milk and formula.

Who is this product for?

This product is designed to be used by families who have babies with sensitive digestive systems, colic, acid reflux, gas, or allergies, such as lactose intolerance. The formula is designed to include all the vitamins and nutrients an infant needs to grow healthy and happy.

Key Features and Benefits

A prominent benefit of Enfamil Nutramigen is that it is both soy- and dairy-free. Removing these ingredients helps reduce the chance of allergic reactions in babies. Even when removing these ingredients, the formula offers all the vitamins and nutrients a baby needs to grow strong and healthy.


Enfamil Nutramigen is an effective hypoallergenic alternative to traditional formulas. In addition to containing all the nutrients and vitamins needed, Nutramigen is dairy- and soy-free to reduce the chance of allergic reaction. However, due to the taste of the formula, it may be difficult to get your baby to drink it successfully.


Though Similac Alimentum and Enfamil Nutramigen are the best-known hypoallergenic baby formulas available, there are alternatives parents can consider for their babies. Knowing about alternatives can be helpful if your baby does not respond well to Alimentum or Nutramigen to relieve symptoms. It is important to examine the alternatives carefully to determine whether they fit your baby well.

Another well-known alternative to these hypoallergenic formulas is Gerber Extensive HA. This formula is only available in powdered form. It is designed specifically for babies with allergies to cow’s milk protein. This formula is nutritionally-sound, offering all the vitamins and nutrients a baby needs to grow healthy and happy. The formula is made with 100% whey protein, which is broken down for easy digestion. The cost of Gerber’s hypoallergenic formula is comparable to its other formulas.

FAQs and Additional Tips

Q. Is it okay to give babies formula?

A. The most important part of caring for your baby is giving your baby everything needed to grow healthy and strong. While studies indicate that breastmilk is best for babies, it may not always be possible to breastfeed a baby exclusively. Even if you are breastfeeding, your baby may need formula to supplement and promote healthy growth.

Q. Can I mix hypoallergenic formula with traditional formula?

A. If your baby has symptoms that suggest allergies, colic or acid reflux, hypoallergenic formula will help prevent the symptoms. If your baby reacts to something in a traditional formula, any amount of that formula can lead to symptoms. If your baby’s pediatrician recommends hypoallergenic formula, it is recommended that only hypoallergenic formula be used.

Q. How do I know if the formula is working?

A. Similac Alimentum and Enfamil Nutramigen will show results approximately 48 hours after starting feedings with the hypoallergenic formula. After that time, you should see reduced symptoms of the problem, such as gas or colic, and have a happy, healthy baby. If you have been feeding the baby with the hypoallergenic formula for several days without any change, the formula may not resolve symptoms.

Q. What are signs of colic?

A. Colic is characterized by intense periods of crying, which usually occur in the late afternoon or evening and last several hours. Your baby’s face will probably be red and flushed when crying. Your baby may also clench his or her fists and draw the knees up to the tummy while crying, or your baby may arch his or her back while crying. When your baby is crying, he or she may be inconsolable.

Q. What are signs of gas?

A. Babies who are gassy are often fussy for no discernible reason, especially after eating. Your baby may also bring his or her knees up or stretch out to try and find a comfortable position. Your baby may also have increased flatulence or burping, especially after meals.

Q. What are signs of acid reflux?

A. Babies who have acid reflux will show signs of gas. They may also show the following signs:

  • Spitting up during or after feeding
  • Choking or gagging
  • Hiccups or wet burps
  • Refusal to eat, even when hungry
  • Difficulty eating or swallowing
  • Failure to gain weight

Q. What are signs of lactose intolerance/allergy?

A. Babies who have an allergy to or intolerance of lactose will experience:

  • Diarrhea or loose, watery stools
  • Loud bowel sounds
  • Frequent crying
  • Being frequently unsettled
  • Flatulence
  • Vomiting

It is important to note that breastfed babies can be affected by lactose intolerance because their vitamins and nutrients depend on the vitamins and nutrients consumed by the mother feeding the baby. If you consume a lot of lactose, your baby may experience more symptoms.

Q. What should I do if I think my baby needs hypoallergenic formula?

A. If your baby is showing signs of gas, acid reflux, colic, or lactose intolerance, it’s a good idea to make an appointment with your pediatrician for an examination. The pediatrician will be able to find the exact cause of your baby’s problems so they can be treated appropriately. In addition to a hypoallergenic formula, your baby may need medication. Your pediatrician can help decide the best course of action.

Q. Is there anything else I should know?

A. As the parent of your baby, you are the one who knows what’s best for your baby because you are with him or her every day. Your pediatrician can make recommendations based on an examination, and it is up to you to implement them. That is why it is important for you to research hypoallergenic formulas to decide which formula would be best for your baby’s health needs.

Final Verdict

While both Similac Alimentum and Enfamil Nutramigen are effective options for hypoallergenic formulas when babies have allergies, gas, acid reflux, or colic. In comparison, there are many similarities between the two products, including the cost is higher than traditional formulas and other hypoallergenic alternatives.

One advantage of Enfamil Nutramigen over Similac Alimentum is that Nutramigen includes probiotics. Probiotics are useful for promoting gut health and establishing digestive health from an early age. DHA levels are also higher in Enfamil Nutramigen in comparison to Similac Alimentum.

Based on the features of the formulas, it is recommended that new parents start with Enfamil Nutramigen for their babies. It has better nutrients for babies’ health. However, if the baby does not respond well to the Nutramigen or it does not provide the growth needed, Similac Alimentum is an alternative option for babies.


When your baby has colic, gas, or allergies, you know how important it is to find relief from pain and make sure that your formula gives your baby all the vitamins and nutrients needed to grow healthy and happy. Whether you choose Similac Alimentum or Enfamil Nutramigen (or another alternative), a hypoallergenic formula may be just what your baby needs.


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